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Pink Moon Cactus
Pink Moon Cactus

Pink Moon Cactus

Gymnocalycium mihanovichii also known as Moon Cactus,Ruby Ball or Hibotan cacti are beautiful red- yellow bicolor indoor plants for indirect bright location. The varied ‘Mutants’ which completely lack chlorophyll, exposing the red, orange, or yellow pigmentation strains a re often grafted onto the ‘Hylocereus Cactus’, and the combined plant is called a “Moon Cactus”.

This item weighs 0.5 k.g. This item is available in Kathmandu/Lalitpur/Bhaktapur

Delivery within Nepal

  • Delivery charges will be vary by product's size, shape, weight, its nature and delivery location. The actual delivery charge will be calculated after selection of Recipient's delivery location in Checkout Process (Step 2: DELIVERIES/GIFTS).

Pink Moon Cactus

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US$ 6.97


US$ 6.97