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Nature's Care Fish Oil - Omega 3 (1000 mg, 200 Capsules)
Nature's Care Fish Oil - Omega 3 (1000 mg, 200 Capsules)

Nature's Care Fish Oil - Omega 3 (1000 mg, 200 Capsules)

  • Fish oil is extracted from cold-water fish and is a natural source of marine omega-3 fatty acids Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), which are classified as essential fatty acids as they cannot be produced in the body and must therefore be obtained from dietary sources.
  • Fish Oil provides an anti-inflammatory action within the body which may reduce inflammation and joint swelling associated with mild arthritis. It is also important for cardiovascular health.
  • 200 Capsules
  • 6 Years & Above
This item weighs 0.20 k.g. This item is available in Kathmandu/Lalitpur/Bhaktapur

Delivery within Nepal

  • Delivery charges will be vary by product's size, shape, weight, its nature and delivery location. The actual delivery charge will be calculated after selection of Recipient's delivery location in Checkout Process (Step 2: DELIVERIES/GIFTS).

Nature's Care Fish Oil - Omega 3 (1000 mg, 200 Capsules)

Customer reviews

US$ 29.10


US$ 29.10