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Haworthia - Aloe Aristata Plant
Haworthia - Aloe Aristata Plant

Haworthia - Aloe Aristata Plant

Although most gardeners know it by its synonym, “Aloe aristata,” the correct name of the torch plant is Aristaloe aristata. It hails from the aloe genus though its appearance leans more on the haworthia genus. Just like the China aster plant, the torch plant is the only species in the genus Aristaloe.  Its common names include Guinea-fowl aloe, lace aloe, torch plant and torch aloe.



This item weighs 0.40 k.g. This item is available in Kathmandu/Lalitpur/Bhaktapur

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Haworthia - Aloe Aristata Plant

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US$ 5.33


US$ 5.33