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Echeveria Elegans Plant
Echeveria Elegans Plant

Echeveria Elegans Plant

White Mexican Rose is a perennial succulent that is native to Northeastern Mexico and grows well in sub-tropical climates such as Southern California. The plant grows in rosette-shaped clumps and has striking flower stalks that bloom from late winter to summer.

Here in North Carolina, Echeveria is grown most often as a houseplant in shallow containers. The plant is also used outside in rock gardens and in containers on sunny, dry spots such as decks or patios. Echeveria plants do well in full sun to partial shade and are relatively disease-free. The most common problem with these plants is overwatering as they prefer dry, well-drained soil. They are easily propagated with cuttings or leaves or division of the offsets or “pups” that are produced by this plant.

This item weighs 0.40 k.g. This item is available in Kathmandu/Lalitpur/Bhaktapur

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Echeveria Elegans Plant

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US$ 5.33


US$ 5.33