Other Muncha Services
Syngonium Plant
Syngonium Plant

Syngonium Plant


This Indoor plant does best if kept in bright filtered light.

Repot when necessary in light potting soil.

The soil of syngonium must be kept moist during the growing period.

Fertilize the plant in the spring and summer seasons rather than the fall and winter seasons.

Must be cleaned every fortnight for dust that has been accumulated in the leaves.

This item weighs 0.40 k.g. This item is available in Kathmandu/Lalitpur/Bhaktapur

Delivery within Nepal

  • Delivery charges will be vary by product's size, shape, weight, its nature and delivery location. The actual delivery charge will be calculated after selection of Recipient's delivery location in Checkout Process (Step 2: DELIVERIES/GIFTS).

Syngonium Plant

Customer reviews

US$ 6.97


US$ 6.97