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1000 D (10 Strips x 10 Tabs)
1000 D (10 Strips x 10 Tabs)

1000 D (10 Strips x 10 Tabs)

  • Contents:
    • Each Soft gelatin Capsule of 1000 D contains:
    • Cholecalciferol: 25 mcg
    • equivalent to Vitamin D3: 1000 IU
    • 1000 D (Vitamin D3) is important for calcium homeostasis and for optimal skeletal health. The major function of 1000 D (Vitamin D3) is to increase the efficiency of calcium absorption from the small intestine as maximum calcium absorption occurs there.
  • Epidemiology:
    • Vitamin D3 production in the skin declines with advancing age, making elderly populations more dependent on dietary Vitamin D3, for the average older person, higher dietary intake of Vitamin D3 may be required to achieve optimal serum levels.
    • However Vitamin D3 insufficiency is not restricted to the elderly and hospitalized population; several studies have found a high prevalence of Vitamin D3 deficiency among healthy, young adults. This deficiency is of equal proportions worldwide.
  • Prognosis:
    • The treatment of Vitamin D3 insufficiency can decrease the risk of hip and non-vertebral fractures.
    • Vitamin D3 supplementation has been associated with a reduction in falls and improved muscle strength in the elderly.
  • Indication:
    • 1000 D (Vitamin D3) helps calcium absorption – a diet deficient in calcium can lead to osteoporosis in later life. 1000 D (Vitamin D3) is recommended for adults and children (who can swallow) with low Vitamin D3 levels.
  • Warning:
    • Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare practitioner.
  • Dosage:
    • One capsule of 1000 D (Vitamin D3) a day to be swallowed whole with water, do not chew ( Suitable for children who can swallow the capsule). Do not exceed the recommended dose unless recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
  • Manufactured by Zifam Pinnacle, Australia
This item weighs 0.14 k.g. This item is available in Kathmandu/Lalitpur/Bhaktapur

Delivery within Nepal

  • Delivery charges will be vary by product's size, shape, weight, its nature and delivery location. The actual delivery charge will be calculated after selection of Recipient's delivery location in Checkout Process (Step 2: DELIVERIES/GIFTS).

1000 D (10 Strips x 10 Tabs)

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US$ 48.03


US$ 48.03