The Concise 48 Laws Of Power teaches readers how to be manipulative and successful in today’s highly competitive world.
The Concise 48 Laws Of Power explains how to employ Machiavellian tactics to succeed in life. The author knew all about manipulation, the hardcore games and tactics used to gain power and fame, as he worked in Hollywood.
The author says that he wrote this book to show the forces at work, the tactics used to gain power and success. He says most people are unaware of the hardcore manipulations that are prevalent in all aspects of life. Even if they're aware of it, they tend to ignore it.
The author says that the only way a person can defend themselves is to be aware of these basic laws of manipulation. It is up to the reader whether they apply these tactics to further their own ends, or whether they will just read the book to become more aware so that they can resist being exploited by other people.
It lists 48 laws, which are tactics that are used by people driven by sheer ambition, to achieve power, wealth or whatever other end they have in mind. The author also points out, that these are not new ideas, but have been around in use for millennia. He bases his ideas on the tactics used and advocated by historical personalities from Machiavelli to Henry Kissinger. It shows readers the highly powerful strategies used by many to further their own interest, even at the expense of others.
In The Concise 48 Laws Of Power, each law gets its own chapter. Each chapter is self contained and independent. Some of the laws mentioned in the book are Concentrate Your Forces, Despise the Free Lunch, Never Appear Too Perfect, Conceal Your Intentions, and Crush Your Enemy Totally.
The author points out that people need to acknowledge the existence of these factors, and need to realize that most people use manipulative tactics all the time. He further says that humanity cannot really see itself in terms of black and white, when there are shades of grey. The darker areas should be illuminated so that the average person knows how to protect themselves against being used, even if they do not themselves intend to use these tactics for personal gain.
The Concise 48 Laws Of Power is an interestingly written book that highlights the darker shades of grey in humanity, using many interesting anecdotes from world history and from contemporary events.
About Robert Greene
Robert Greene is an American author and speaker.
Other book by this author are The Art of Seduction, The 50th Law, The 33 Strategies of War, and Mastery.
Robert Greene, born in 1959, has a degree in classical studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He writes on the subjects of power, strategy and seduction. His books are international bestsellers, but have also invited controversy for their explicit advice on using manipulative tactics for success. The Concise 48 Laws Of Power has been received with a lot of negative criticism, to which Greene points out that he is just highlighting reality.
Publisher: Viva Books Private Limited
ISBN: 978-8-176-49336-9
Pages: 195
US$ 1.84