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Kutumba’s 5th album UTSARGA, took the ensemble three years to collect different experiences from various events and circumstances to put this album together. The result is that this is a weightier record courtesy of the diversity that each track has to offer.

Pariwartan is based on the energetic rhythms of the Chandi and Syabru styles of the eastern hills. This track encapsulates the transformations within the band members as individuals and as artists. Listeners will find variation and intensity of musical expression.

Soltini, based on styles like sorathi and jhyaure, expresses love through music. This track is addressed to innocent village girls, an invitation to love.

Divinity, featuring the jor-damarus, was composed as the story of a musical and spiritual journey. Damaru, requiring great skills and devotion, has very few traditional practitioners left. This track aims to introduce a new generation of listeners and musicians to this lively instrument.

Yatra is full of the turns and paces of a joyous journey. This spontaneous and uplifting track emphasizes the melodies of Nepal's folk instruments.

Keta-Keti was originally composed for the motion picture God Lives in the Himalayas. This track, capturing the games that children play, is dedicated to the children of Nepal, and is inspired by the sounds of the Himalayas.

Utpatti was composed to showcase the variations in musical expression found in folk traditions across Nepal. This track featuring radical orchestral experiments with folk instruments engages all the senses, surprises the listeners with its explosive energy—like a moonless sky lit by fireworks.

The sensation of freedom has no equal in life. Freedom is Kutumba's attempt at interpreting the same sensation into music. It artfully expresses the pain and trauma of Nepal's ten year long conflict, and the relief and renewal of hope felt by the people at the end of it.

Hakar means invitation in Maithili, spoken in most of the eastern Terai plains. Composed during a time of rift between the hill and Terai communities, through this track Kutumba respectfully invites the people of the Terai to become partners in creating peace and equality.

Arbajo is an old folk instrument with very few living practitioners, now being revived by Kutumba. This track speaks of the satisfaction and reward that Kutumba has felt in working with numerous teachers, collaborators and friends who have shared a common vision, helping the ensemble mature artistically over the years.

Instrumental Music Title:

  •  Pariwartan
  • Soltini
  • Divinity
  • Yatra
  • Keta Keti
  • Utpatti
  • Freedom
  • Hakar
  • Arbazo
This item weighs 0.08 k.g. This item is available in Kathmandu/Lalitpur/Bhaktapur

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