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Italian Munga(3 ct.)
Italian Munga(3 ct.)

CORAL is the Gem associated to 'MANGAL', the planet MARS. MARS is said to be the 'PRINCE' among all the planets. Wearing a CORAL (MUNGA) can reduce the troubles and hurdles caused due to malefic position of MANGAL. Coral is not a mineral gem. It is obtained from sea. It is a form of calcium carbonate chemically. . All the bad influences of Mars are removed by wearing coral. It increases and purifies blood. To conquer enemies and to remove fear, coral is very good. Coral is a awakening-gem of fortune of Aries and Taurus. It is good for business and courage and to remove the influences of negative forces. It develops self confidence and gives strength to one's beliefs of the wearer.

Mars/Mangal is the chief of the assembly of the nine planets. It is also personified as the god of war. It is regarded as a malefic planet in astrology and gives its natives the ability to put their own desires above those of others. It's colour is red and the ruler of the direction - south. It is the symbol of blood and perseverance in human life. The gemstone related to Mars is Coral and its zodiac signs are the Aries and the Scorpio. Its temperament is hot. Coral gemstone creates many virtues like courage, perseverance, capability to face and solve circumstances and problems and enables a man to take risks. This gemstone is also an ideal gem for a happy marital life

This item weighs 0.3 k.g. This item is available in Kathmandu/Lalitpur/Bhaktapur

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Italian Munga(3 ct.)

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US$ 20.34


US$ 20.34

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